Friday, February 13, 2015

Why Wolfenstein New Order Missed its Mark

God, please why? Why did they fuck up on such a franchise?

Now I was one of those who played Castle Wolfenstein on the Apple II, and yes, I am that old. That was the first game to have a sampled voice over and we learn to dish out German phrases after spending hours on it. We kicked Nazi ass even before all of those fuckers who reviewed this game were even born. Fast forward to the new era.

For me, I had a pretty good time playing with Wolfenstein PS3 back in 2009. This was an FPS, with the Thule Society and all those badass occult stuff Hitler was famous for thrown in. Now it was a commendable shooter. Nothing great but playable. It had a poor frame rate, gave me a headache each time I played it but still, I didn't say anything bad about it.

As time went on, you got to the point where you start wondering if someone can up the ante, give it a polish and release a new version of the game. So here's what came out of this long wait.

Wolfenstein New Order is a completely new take on the franchise and was one of the most eagerly awaited. Sadly, it just didn't rock my world. First, the story telling was poor. It introduced us to a steam punk type Nazi machinery that was winning the war before moving us ahead to the 60s. The story was all over the place, one moment we are stealing Choppers, next we go to the moon. That holy sort of shit is what made COD franchise stank. The weapons are nothing to shout about, there are some nice touches, like being able to cut through metal and wires but that doesn't happen often or is that obvious unless the game play requires you to do so.

Then we have the sex scenes, well done. So are we suppose to jerk off after mowing down some Nazis? I hope such morbid behaviour will never be adopted in gaming as it is offensive to Nazis and Jewish community at large.


I must say that the melee option was to me, one of the worst in the game. First, all you enemies seem to like turning their back to you. There is no challenge in taking them on as you can suit up with armour to protect yourself. The most creative way to kill Nazis is really to throw them a live grenade. Shooting them is probably part of the fun but with less that enough ammo it doesn't seem all that fun.

The A.I enemies are a little more intelligent that the one found in COD, which often runs in a loop. Here you find the Germans ducking and hiding, without sticking out their body parts for you to shoot at. But there is no challenge after that. The option to carry ammo plays heavily in your game as you don't have much at your disposal.

This is an FPS that is basically a rehash or every other FPS made so far. So don't think for one moment that they have any originality. Then you have the ever boring side missions, like go get a jack hammer or a tool to do something and they send you on a wild goose chase.

The problem with this game is more of the same. There is no cohesive storyline. It gets so boring to the point that you dread playing it after a couple of hours. There is simply no challenge in doing the level as everything is sandboxed so tightly. I even went on to play the 16-bit easter egg version of Wolfenstein twice in the dream sequence!

Now that is pretty sad. The game is huge, but it just lacks the finesse. The gaming stank, the missions were a let down and to make matters worst, the story was assembled by a team of half baked Hollywood wannabes who have no idea what a playable game is all about. To think that this would be a worthy follow up to a grand franchise is totally lost to me. Those critic reviews who loved the game, well I have one word for you....'payola'!

Repeat Play Conclusion

I like weapons, and as an FPS, the whole idea is to have weapons you love using. I hated the weapons choices in this game and yes, that makes this game a real bummer.

The story line is linear, takes you to space and back too. WTF is that all about. Well it might think it was a COD rip off with some sci-fi futuristic stuff thrown in.

As a mindless shooter, it might have some entertainment value for those who are at best...for those suffering from inbred autism. Beyond that, I can't bring up any note worthy points to commend the game past the loading screen.

The deal breaker was the hodgepodge of missions sew together with an even worst storyline. That did it for me. Now I have to find some pill to make me forget this offensive game totally and make believe that in the perfect world, it would never have to exist in the minds and imaginations of the sane.



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