Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ultra Street Fighter 4

'Handsome fighters never lose.'

Capcom's digital demi-DLC of sorts for Super Street Fighter 4 (SSFIV) is a stand alone piece of software much in the vein of SSFIV Arcade Edition.

For those who spent their youth at smoke filled video game arcades in the late 80s blowing bus fares for some serious throwdowns on Street Fighter 2 and the plethora of SNK beat em ups. Its highly likely that they will get this latest Capcom offering. I know I did.

Being an expert in the good old days at a few 'fighters' as we called it, I still remain attached to the sagging genre.
This Ultra-cized version does have multitude of tweaks & treats that actually changes the game in such a way as to offer gamers new play styles to mix up the tired of combo system that really hasn't changed since Street Fighter 2.
An additional 5 new characters have need added to the already burgeoning roster. 3 characters from Final Fight & one from Street Fighter 3rd Strike. The 5th addition only made a short cameo appearance in Street Fighter Zero/Alpha 3 as a member of the Shadoloo female fighting force. Each new character is fun enough to play and will hopefully be seen in some VS fights online rather that the Ryu's and Akuma's.

USFIV also brings along a new system that allows gamers to use both Ultra Combos but reduced the damage from them.

There is also an additional ability to delay the recovery after a knock down. This has obvious advantages designed to mess up the attackers follow up strategy on a downed opponent. It certainly can turn the tide of a fight in some situations.

Finally there is the rage gauge style Red Focus Attack that takes multi-hits. Certain moves have been tuned up as well as refined. Unblockable setups are gone for good and the online play has a 3vs3 knock out bouts much in the same fashion as King Of Fighters.

As with all beat em ups. USFIV is meant to be played versus other gamers online or off. That is when the game really shines. Although I am a tad disappointed that there is no turbo speed. The sluggish pace is designed to pull of focus cancelling but adding a variable speed selector would have added a new dimension to the fun. Only those who have played the old modded SF 2 arcade machines will know just how much fun Capcom's long surviving franchise really can be.

USFIV is the last variation to the 'fourth' incarnation to the main series of the game. Thankfully Capcom have made it a worthy addition with a lot more skills & technique to master as well as new play styles. I am particular happy to see Hugo return to the arena. The last time the old Andre the Giant cosplayer fought anyone was way back in SNK vs Capcom Chaos. Glad to see he is as lethal and as unpredictable as before.
As a beat em up fan, I can only recommend this game for everyone to play. It is really quite excellent in almost every aspect. So take up the challenge because 'there are many guys like you all over the world'.
